Tim Massad, Dr Kay Swinburne, Gay Evans OBE and Blythe Masters to Speak at Upcoming PRIMEtime Virtual Events

Following the successful launch of its first PRIMEtime Virtual Event on 24 June, P.R.I.M.E. Finance has announced dates and speakers for the next two events in its first series.
On Tuesday 7 July, Tim Massad, former Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and Kay Swinburne, Vice Chair of Financial Services KPMG UK, and former Member of the European Parliament and Vice Chair of the European Parliament’s Economics and Monetary Affairs Committee, will discuss the implications of the pandemic for financial regulation.
On Tuesday, 14 July, Gay Huey Evans OBE, Chairman of the London Metal Exchange and a leader in the financial industry for over three decades, and Blythe Masters, former J.P. Morgan executive and founding CEO of blockchain fin-tech company Digital Asset Holdings, will discuss the reaction of financial markets to the pandemic.
Further information on these sessions, including more details on the speakers and links to register for these events, are available here
To register directly for the 7 July event, click here
To register directly for the 14 July event, click here
Droit Financial Technologies is the sponsor of Series One of PRIMEtime Virtual Events, and the events are being produced with the support of LexisNexis and Mlex.