American College of Business Court Judges

On 11 December 2012, P.R.I.M.E. Finance gave an extended presentation to the American College of Business Court Judges at their annual seminar at the George Mason Law School in Arlington, Virginia. The audience consisted of state court judges who manage complex business litigation courts across the United States, and who are most likely to see disputes involving derivatives and master agreements. The presentation provided an introduction to derivatives and the ISDA Master Agreement, its history, its place in the financial markets and the current legal issues arising from its use. The presentation of P.R.I.M.E. Finance was well received by an attentive audience, and a spirited question and answer period followed the formal presentation. The session provided a unique opportunity for P.R.I.M.E. Finance to assist a judicial audience that specializes in cases impacting the financial markets. The Hon. Judge Ben F. Tennille (ret.), a member of the Management Board of P.R.I.M.E. Finance, moderated the session.