HomeProf. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. pol. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher

Expert resume of Prof. Dr. iur. Dr. rer. pol. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher

Senior Partner Baudenbacher Law, Zurich; Door Tenant, Monckton Chambers, London; Visiting Professor, London School of Economics; President of the EFTA Court 2003-2017

President of the EFTA Court from 2003 to 2017, Judge of the EFTA Court since 1995, Director of the Center of European and International Law at the University of St. Gallen.

Dr. iur. University of Berne summa cum laude 1978.

Habilitation University of Zurich 1983.

Acting Professor for Private law, Commercial Law, Labour Law, Economic Law and Mining Law at several German Universities, i.a. Free University of Berlin and Tübingen University 1984-1986.

Professor for Private law, Commercial Law, Labour Law and Economic Law at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern 1986-1987.

Chair of Private, Commercial and Economic Law at the University of St. Gallen HSG 1987-2013.

Founder and Chairman of the University of St. Gallen Executive Master of European and International Business Law program (since 1996).

Founder and Chairman of the St. Gallen International Competition Law Forum ICF (since 1995)

Visiting Professor of German company law at the University of Geneva (1989-1990).

Visiting Professor of European and International Law at the University of Texas School of Law 1993-2004.

Member of the Supreme Court of the Principality of Liechtenstein 1994-1995.

Arbitrator and expert in arbitration cases.

President and Judge Rapporteur in EFTA Court cases E-1/10 Periscopus, E-1/04 Fokus Bank, E-18/11 Irish Bank, E-16/11 Icesave I, E-3/13 and E-20/13 Olsen, E-4/15 Icelandic Financial Services Association.

President in EFTA Court cases E-3/11 Sigmarsson, E-17/11 Aresbank, E-10/12 Hardarsson, E-28/13 Merril Lynch.

Member auf the Independent Commission of Inquiry for the Transparent Investigation of the Events Surrounding the Hypo Group Alpe‐Adria established by the Government of Austria (“Griss Commission”), 2014.

Member of the Liechtenstein Judicial Appointments Committee (since 2013).

Author of over 40 books and over 250 articles on European and international law, law of obligations, labor law, law of unfair competition, antitrust and state aid law, company law, intellectual property law, financial market law, comparative law, arbitration law and the law of international courts and tribunals.

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